Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Male Laser Hair Removal

Today there are many new solutions for what can be a "Hairy" situation. Cosmetic body hair removal is no longer just for women. More and more men are turning to Permanent Laser Hair Removal. Chest, back, face and legs are all viable candidates for new laser hair removal techniques. Laser hair removal is generally accepted in the dermatology community as being lafe and effective. Women and more and more men are seeking laser hair removal to to remove superfluous and unwanted hair. Laser hair removal has been in use since 1997 and has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for "permanent hair reduction"

Laser hair removal works by lasers selectively targeting the melanin in the hair. It works best with dark coarse hair. Light skin and dark hair provide the best results, but newer laser technology's are able to create good results on darker skin and lighter hair.

The history of hair removal techniques goes back thousands of years. Until the past 20 years men relied on the old standby, shaving, to remove unwanted hair. Unfortunately the results of shaving are short lived and shaving large areas of body hair can be quite a task. With the advent of lazer hair removal a permanent solution is available. Laser treatments are typically performed in dermatologists offices, med spas or stand alone laser hair removal centers. Treatments are performed by nurses or trained laser hair removal technicians. Due to the cyclical growth cycle of the hair follicle it can take from 3-8 treatments to clear the target area of unwanted hair. Treatments are typically spaced 6-12 weeks apart to ensure new hair growth is targeted as it emerges. Additional touch-up treatment may be needed after the initial set of treatments.


  1. Getting rid of unwanted hair is what I am planning for since I am very eager to get rid of this. A laser hair removal? I have heard that this laser hair removal is very effective in removing hair. An easy & safe treatment that can produce durable effects in prevention of hair growth.

  2. Men also want to try the procedure of laser hair removal for men. My father and I tried that procedure when we visited our relatives in australia.

  3. Also, before surgery a patient's hair requires removal in order to reduce chances of infection. This is done by a simple temporary method like shaving. 真空除毛
